JO H2O Original is a water-based lubricant that supports the body's natural lubricity. This lubricant consists of purely vegetable glycerine and ensures a silky smooth and comfortable glide without sticking or leaving any residue. Plus it's sex-toy-friendly, condom-compatible and easy to clean. Just apply and get started!
It is very easy to use: Put some of the H2O lubricant on your fingertips and distribute it around the vaginal area and / or directly on the penis and the sextoy. And let's have fun!
H2O comes in a 60 ml as well as in a 120 ml bottle. This lubricant is easy to wash off and does not stain the sheets.
Water-based lubricants are lighter than other types and have a smoother feel. They are suitable for sensitive skin, do not stick and are easy to wash off.
The use of lubricant is not limited to sex alone. A bottle of lube can also be your best friend during foreplay or oral sex.
Yes, all of our water-based lubricants in our range can be used with condoms without hesitation. Put the lubricant on the outside of the condom pulled over the penis, as well as some anal.
Lubricant can also be applied at any time during the act.
Yes, Our water-based lubricants are also suitable for oral sex and can be swallowed without hesitation. However, we do not recommend "drinking" excessive amounts of the lubricant, as it is not designed for.
It's completely up to you, how much lubricant you want to use. Just experiment something, you will quickly find out what feels good for you alone or for you and your partner.
Whenever you try out a new lubricant or this is your first contact with a lubricant, start with a small amount.
The lubricant should be used within three months after opening. You can keep it in the bedroom. It is advisable to protect the lubricant from direct heat or sunlight.
TYPE: Water-based lubricant
Hält halt nicht so lange wie Silikon Gleitmittel, aber das ist bei allen Wasserbasierten so… ;)
Sehr zufrieden und mir kommt auch kein anderes Gleitgel mehr ins Haus. Klebt nicht und hinterlässt auch keinen unangenehmen Spuren auf den Bettlaken.
Ich benutze nur noch wasserbasiertes Gleitgel, das hat es mir total angetan. Keine klebrigen und unangenehmen Finger und es ist auch absolut geruchslos, plus dass die Haltedauer auch stimmt.
Schliesse mich der letzten Bewertung auch an, einfallsreich verpackt und die Tasche ist praktisch falls doch mal was ausläuft.
Und dazu noch toll verpackt, inkl. Aufbewahrungstäschli. Danke!
Hi Debbie
Danke für deine Bestellung und das positive Feedback, das freut uns sehr :D
Liebe Grüsse vom myjoy Team
- Great for beginners
- For more comfort and fun while making love
- Latex condom safe
- Colorless and odorless
- Water based
- Also ideal for condoms and sex toys